Our daily work consists of consulting families with expertise and natural solutions to determine the healthiest and most effective pest control solutions for their homes . The direct to consumer approach that we use ensures that families can compare and choose the best full-service pest management option available.
We offer a competitive four pronged compensation package structured to incentivize individuals to reach their objectives in order to earn a deserved income. This package consists of a base salary, commission, bonuses, and bench mark incentives.
Our leaders work with individuals as soon as they are hired to make a manageable growth plan. This plan identifies career goals, gets specific about targets, allocates resources and defines key performance indicators.
The daily activities offer opportunities to travel locally and in between the markets we currently serve in Texas.
We understand that it takes more than money and titles to stay motivated. Our leaders take the time to get to know teams in order to offer creative incentives. These incentives include things such as outings/adventures, physical prizes, personal and professional development opportunities, trips, and cash. The list is truly endless!